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Secretary Messege

Students are bound by the rules and regulations made by the institute from time-to-time any violation of the rules an act of indiscipline on the part of students shall result in disciplinary action leading to dismissal from the institution.
The Principal reserves the right to remove from the rolls the name of any student for failure to pay the institute and Hostel dues in time.
Students are expected to read the notice put up to the notice board of Institute. The Institute shall not accept any responsibility for loss of any advantage by a student due to his failure to read the notice in time.
No student shall be allowed to appear for the Board/University Examinations unless he/she has paid all his dues and completed his journals and term work.

Damage to property of the institute like tempering with fixtures fittings, equipment, instruments, furniture, books, periodicals, walls, windows, benches, vehicles etc. shall be viewed very seriously and might result in instant expulsion of the guilty students.

Insulting the teaching staff will also result in expulsion, teaching staff must be properly respected." sam

Ragging of students in any form wit in or outside the institute and

in Hostels shall result in instant expulsion from the institute.


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