Guru Poornima Program At Shantiniketan
Posted Date: 16 Sep, 2024
Category: news
On the day of guru purnima, When you see how wisdom has transformed your life, you feel grateful for all that has come your way. Celebrang this feeling of gratude is Guru Purnima. In Shanniketan college of pharmacy gurupornima was celebrated on 3 July Gurupurnima is a day to remember the divine service of our spiritual masters. The whole program was arranged by FY. B pharm students. Dr,K.Bali Reddy sir was the chairperson for the event. On that precious day, firstly all teachers were welcomed by giving a rose. Some students expressed their thoughts through speeches. The chairperson Dr.K.B.Reddy sir also share important informaon regarding Gurupornima and about the gurus. At the end the event was concluded by giving the vote of thanks.